1985 Responses to:
Return of the Jedi

This page contains responses to my original Usenet posting in 1985.

Click here to see responses to my Return of the Jedi from 1997 and later.

From harvard!h-sc1!guy Mon Jul 29 11:16:10 1985
To: harvard!ut-sally!kelvin
Subject: Re: _Return_of_the_Jedi_  (spoiler)
Organization: Harvard University Science Center

I hope you were sincere in your recent posting, or else I stand
to be mightily embarassed, but I thought what you wrote
was downright brilliant.  This is no joke, I was quite deeply
disappointed with Return of the Jedi, most especially with
the complete forgiveness of Darth Vader (appearing in the same
spectre and with the same stature as Yoda?  Come on!).
I don't agree with your killing off of Luke (but I'm sure you
understand that), but I do think the rest of your proposed plot
outline would make the story more believable.

Now don't get me wrong, I realize that a sci-fi/fantasy adventure
flick isn't supposed to be realistic, but *believable* is a
different request altogether.

I am actually so impressed with your insight into my disappointment
that I can't even respond fully (I was *really* into the SW series,
so my disappointment could be nothing less than profound).
However, I do have one small request.  I left off reading (gasp)
your star wars article, though I actually agreed with some of
your earlier points (however in jest they were made, e.g. values, etc.).
I wonder if you wouldn't mind sending me a copy of it, if you get
a chance.  (Did you write one about Empire?)

Thank you for listening, and posting.
"But why do you hate me?"  --Lord Foul
"Because you're ugly!"     --Thomas Covenant                                             -alfie-

From: utmbvax!masscomp!carlton
Date: 19-Aug-1985 17:12-EDT (Monday)
To: utmbvax!ut-sally!kelvin
Subject: Re: _Return_of_the_Jedi_ - Good review!

From thau@h-sc1.UUCP (robert thau) Sun Jul 28 21:58:42 1985
Subject: Re: _Return_of_the_Jedi_  (spoiler)
Organization: Harvard Univ. Science Center

>                        _Return_ofthe_Jedi_
>                         by Kelvin Thompson
> _Return_of_the_Jedi_ is a bad movie.  In its predecessors producer George
> Lucas (_American_Graffiti_) sketched out a clear, wonderful path for his
> immortal saga to follow, but this latest installment takes a wrong turn
> with every twist in its plot.

OHMYGOD!!!!!!!! I *agree* with a Kelvin Thompson review.  Uh oh folks ...
My mind is going ... I can feel it ...
Robert Thau			        \
Keeper of the *FLAME*			))

From terryl@tekcrl.UUCP Tue Jul 30 18:52:15 1985
Subject: Re: _Return_of_the_Jedi_  (spoiler)

>>                        _Return_ofthe_Jedi_
>>                         by Kelvin Thompson
>> _Return_of_the_Jedi_ is a bad movie.  In its predecessors producer George
>> Lucas (_American_Graffiti_) sketched out a clear, wonderful path for his
>> immortal saga to follow, but this latest installment takes a wrong turn
>> with every twist in its plot.

>OHMYGOD!!!!!!!! I *agree* with a Kelvin Thompson review.  Uh oh folks ...
>My mind is going ... I can feel it ...

     Not only that, but if you read very carefully and can remember his
review of "Star Wars: A New Hope", he contradicts himself in this review
by indirectly saying that "A New Hope" was a very good movie. Now, can you
trust a reviewer that will contradict things he's said in the past???

From slerner@sesame.UUCP (Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner) Thu Aug  1 19:42:53 1985
Subject: Re: Re: _Return_of_the_Jedi_  (spoiler)
Organization: Lotus Development Corp

>      Not only that, but if you read very carefully and can remember his
> review of "Star Wars: A New Hope", he contradicts himself in this review
> by indirectly saying that "A New Hope" was a very good movie. Now, can you
> trust a reviewer that will contradict things he's said in the past???

Did I miss one?  Which film is SW:A New Hope?
Opinions expressed are public domain, and do not belong to Lotus
Development Corp.
Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner

From ron@wjvax.UUCP (Ron Christian) Fri Aug  2 16:59:36 1985
Subject: Re: _Return_of_the_Jedi_  (spoiler)
Organization: Watkins Johnson, San Jose, Calif.

>>                  _Return_ofthe_Jedi_  by Kelvin Thompson
>> _Return_of_the_Jedi_ is a bad movie.  In its predecessors producer George
>> Lucas (_American_Graffiti_) sketched out a clear, wonderful path for his
>> immortal saga to follow, but this latest installment takes a wrong turn
>> with every twist in its plot.....
>OHMYGOD!!!!!!!! I *agree* with a Kelvin Thompson review.  Uh oh folks ...
>My mind is going ... I can feel it ...
>Robert Thau
I also agree with Kelvin.  This is scary.
	Ron Christian  (Watkins-Johnson Co.  San Jose, Calif.)

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(Updated August 26, 1998.)